Selasa, 26 April 2011

Musuh Harus Kita Kasihi

"Tetapi Aku berkata kepadamu: Kasihilah musuhmu dan berdoalah bagi mereka yang menaganiaya kamu." Matius 5:44

Dunia mengajar kita untuk membalas setiap perbuatan jahat yang dilakukan oleh orang lain terhadap kita. Siapa pun yang menyakiti dan melukai kita harus dibalas dengan setimpal. Kalau bisa, pembalasan itu lebih kejam dari pada perbuatan. Mereka kita anggap sebagai musuh! Tetapi sebagai orang percaya kita diajar untuk mengasihi musuh kita. Tuhan mengajar kita untuk berbuat baik dan mendoakan orang-orang yang menganiaya dan membenci kita. Dikatakan, "Janganlah kamu melawan orang yang berbuat jahat kepadamu, melainkan siapapun yang menampar pipi kananmu, berilah juga kepadanya pipi kirimu. Dan kepada orang yang hendak mengadukan engkau karena mengingini bajumu, serahkanlah juga jubahmu." (ayat 39-40).

Tentang hal mengasihi musuh ini kita bisa belajar dari Daud. Mari kita perhatikan bagaimana reaksi Daud saat mendapat kabar bahwa Saul dan Yonatan telah mati terbunuh di medan perang. "...Daud memegang pakaiannya dan mengoyakkannya; dan semua orang yang bersama-sama dengan dia berbuat demikian juga." (2 Samuel 1:11). Daud pun mengungkapkan demikian, "Saul dan Yonatan, orang-orang yang dicintai dan yang ramah, dalam hidup dan matinya tidak terpisah. Mereka lebih cepat dari burung rajawali, mereka lebih kuat dari singa." (2 Samuel 1:23). Luar biasa! Daud menyebut Saul sebagai orang yang banyak dicintai (termasuk oleh Daud) dan ramah, padahal Saul adalah seorang yang sangat membenci Daud. Hidup Daud menjadi tidak tenang dan menderita karena terus dikejar-kejar oleh Saul yang menginginkan kematiannya. Tetapi Daud tidak pernah membalas perbuatan jahat yang dilakukan Saul terhadapnya; ia tetap mengasihi Saul. Bahkan kematian Saul dan Yonatan benar-benar telah meninggalkan duka yang mendalam bagi Daud.

Seringkali kita menganggap teman sekantor yang suka memfitnah, rekan sepelayanan yang suka menyaingi kita, tetangga yang menjengkelkan atau orang lain yang berbeda status dan juga ras, sebagai musuh kita. Bila menjadi pengikut Kristus, mengasihi musuh adalah tindakan penyangkalan diri. Adakalanya Tuhan memakai orang-orang yang "menjengkelkan" sebagai cara untuk membentuk dan mempersiapkan kita menggenapi rencanaNya di dalam hidup kita.

Jika hal ini kita sadari, maka tindakan mengasihi musuh adalah sesuatu yang mutlak kita kerjakan!

Sumber : Renungan Harian Air Hidup

"If ever there is tomorrow when we're not together.. there is something you must always remember. you are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think. but the most important thing is, even if we're apart.. i'll always be with you." - Winnie the Pooh-

Minggu, 24 April 2011

Berdiri Teguh Dalam Diri Anda

Tuhan memiliki tujuan Ilahi untuk semua tantangan yang menghadang di dalam hidup kita. Pencobaan menguji karakter kita dan menolong membentuk iman kita. Apakah yang Anda pikirkan ketika Anda merenung tentang kasih? Kasih ibu, kasih terhadap anak-anak--kasih yang begitu indah, begitu kuat, begitu menyenangkan -Kim Phuc-

Menjalani kehidupan terbaik Anda sekarang kadang-kadang begitu sulit. Banyak dari kita terlalu mudah menyerah ketika keadaan tidak berjalan sesuai keinginan kita atau ketika kita menghadapi kesukaran. Daripada bertahan, kita langsung menyerah. Kita segera larut dalam kekalahan dan patah semangat, yang dapat dimaklumi, terutama ketika kita bergumul dengan masalah keluarga atau suatu kelemahan untuk waktu yang lama. Pada akhirnya kita menyerah tanpa berbuat apa-apa.

Akan tetapi, kita harus lebih bertekad dari itu. Keadaan hidup kita mungkin sekali-sekali memukul kita sampai jatuh, tetapi kita tidak boleh tetap kalah. Meskipun Anda tidak dapat melihat ke luar, tetapi Anda harus bangkit di dalam diri Anda. Milikilah sikap dan mental pemenang. Tetaplah berpegang pada sikap iman.

Untuk menjalani kehidupan terbaik Anda sekarang, Anda harus bertindak berdasarkan kehendak Anda, bukan hanya emosi Anda. Kadang-kadang itu berarti Anda harus mengambil langkah iman meskipun ketika Anda disakiti, berduka atau lelah karena serangan musuh. Sebelum Daud menjadi raja Israel, ia dan para pengikutnya pulang ke rumah dan menemukan rumah mereka hangus terbakar, harta kekayaan mereka dirampas, dan para wanita dan anak-anak diculik.

Daripada hanya duduk di tengah reruntuhan dan meratapi apa yang sudah hilang, Daud mendorong dirinya sendiri di dalam Tuhan dan meyakinkan para pengikutnya untuk menyerang musuh (I Samuel 30:6). Tatkala mereka bertahan, Tuhan menolong mereka secara adikodrati untuk memulihkan segala sesuatu yang suda dicuri dari mereka. Tuhan sedang menanti Anda untuk bangkit di dalam diri Anda sama seperti Daud. Itu membutuhkan keberanian; tentu saja memerlukan kebulatan tekad, tetapi Anda dapat melakukannya jika Anda memutuskan untuk bertindak.

Kembangkanlah mental seorang pemenang dan lihatlah apa yang mulai dikerjakan Tuhan. Arahkanlah wajah Anda dan katakan,

"Tuhan, aku mungkin tidak memahami ini, tetapi aku tahu Engkau masih memegang kendali. Dan Engkau berkata segala sesuatu akan bekerja bersama untuk kebaikanku. Engkau berkata Engkau akan mengambil hal yang jahat ini dan mengubahnya serta memakainya untuk kebaikanku. Jadi, Bapa, aku berterima kasih karena Engkau akan membawaku melewati semua ini!" Tidak peduli apa yang mungkin Anda hadapi, jika Anda tahu bagaimana untuk bangkit di dalam diri Anda, penghalang-penghalang Anda tidak dapat mengalahkan Anda.

"Sebab itu ambillah seluruh perlengkapan senjata Allah, supaya kamu dapat mengadakan perlawanan pada hari yang jahat itu dan tetap berdiri, sesudah kamu menyelesaikan segala sesuatu." (Efesus 6:13).

Sumber: Your Best Life Now

"If ever there is tomorrow when we're not together.. there is something you must always remember. you are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think. but the most important thing is, even if we're apart.. i'll always be with you." - Winnie the Pooh-

Kamis, 14 April 2011

Nothing Wasted

"After everyone was full, Jesus told His disciples, "Now gather the leftovers, so that nothing is wasted"
(John 6:12, NLT).

The Bible tells of a time when Jesus fed a crowd of five thousand with only five loaves and two fish. That day, everyone had more than enough to eat, and there were still twelve baskets full of bread and fish leftover—more than what they started with! We serve a God of abundance! I love that Jesus told the disciples to collect all the leftovers "so that nothing is wasted." With God, nothing is ever wasted. He'll never waste an experience, He'll never waste a hurt, He'll never waste a dream, He'll never waste even a single piece of bread.

If you've felt like you've wasted years of your life in the wrong job, hanging around the wrong people, doing the wrong things, God will gather those years and restore them back to you. He'll take those experiences that the enemy meant for your harm and turn them around for your good. He'll make you stronger, wiser and better off than you were before. He can launch you further into your destiny than before. Be encouraged today because with God all things are possible and nothing is ever wasted!


Heavenly Father, I give You every bit of my life, my past, my present and my future. Thank You for taking every experience in my life and turning it around for my good. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

— Joel & Victoria

"If ever there is tomorrow when we're not together.. there is something you must always remember. you are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think. but the most important thing is, even if we're apart.. i'll always be with you." - Winnie the Pooh-


Seorang anak bekerja membagikan koran. Suatu hari tanpa sengaja dia memecahkan kaca jendela milik seorang nenek langganannya. Karena takut, dia melarikan diri dan berharap tidak ada yang melihatnya. Malamnya, si anak terbayang-bayang kesalahannya sehingga dia susah untuk tidur. Besoknya, saat mengantarkan koran, hatinya deg-deg-an.

Nenek itu hanya menatapnya tersenyum. Anak itu hanya menundukkan muka tanpa berani memandang wajah si nenek. Setelah beberapa hari, hati si anak merasa tidak tenang. Tidur terasa tidak nyenyak, makan pun terasa tidak enak. Akhirnya, dia bertekad untuk mengumpulkan uang dengan menyisihkan uang jajannya. Setelah merasa cukup, suatu malam dia memasukkan uangnya ke dalam sebuah amplop. Juga disertai secarik kertas bertuliskan, "Maafkan saya karena telah memecahkan kaca jendela. Ini uang sebagai penggantinya. Terima kasih."

Kemudian anak itu menyelipkan amplop tersebut melalui bawah daun pintu rumah si nenek. Dia tersenyum dan malamnya dia dapat tidur dengan nyenyak. Esoknya ketika mengantarkan koran, dia melihat si nenek tersenyum kepadanya. Hatinya terasa plong dan dia pun berani membalas senyumannya. Si nenek berkata: "Sebentar, nak. Saya ada kue untukmu." Dan, si nenek memberikannya sebuah bungkusan. Setelah berterima kasih, dia pun melanjutkan mengantarkan koran.

Sesampainya di rumah, dia membuka bungkusan kue tersebut. Alangkah terkejutnya saat dia melihat ada sebuah amplop terselip di antara kue, persis seperti amplopnya. Di dalamnya terdapat uang sebesar uangnya dan secarik kertas bertuliskan, "Saya bangga dengan kamu." Anak itu terduduk lemas dan terharu. Ternyata nenek tua itu telah mengetahui kesalahannya tetapi tidak pernah menegurnya.

Mari kita belajar untuk bisa dengan bijak menyelesaikan suatu permasalahan, selalu introspektif, berani mengakui kesalahan dan memperbaikinya. Karena inilah penyebab awal dari timbulnya kebahagiaan dan kesuksesan di dalam kehidupan kita.

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"If ever there is tomorrow when we're not together.. there is something you must always remember. you are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think. but the most important thing is, even if we're apart.. i'll always be with you." - Winnie the Pooh-


Kesepuluh Firman Tuhan versi Manado (Manado Translation):

1. Jang brani nga ba hugel dari pa Tuhan!

2. Jang bekeng patong apalagi sujud pa dia! Kalo kwa nentau bekeng jang bapaksa!

3. Jang cumu cumu Tuhan pe nama sembarangan! Ta biasa ngoni kang tanya tanya "sapa marah badusta?"

4. Inga inga tu hari sabat kong ya maso greja! Cuma itu reken ngoni pe karja komaling

5. Dengar dengaran re pa angko pe ma deng pa.

Jang pas dorang Tuhan so pangge le baru ngoni mo manangis akang


Kalo dorang dua nda kaweng nda mo ada ngana!

(Kalo ngana anak angkat laeng carita e...mar hormat le katu pa dorang no)

6. Nimbole bunu orang! Berarti nimbole bunu diri le no, ngana kan orang? Ato?

7. Nimbole berzinah! Cari di kamus depe arti kalo nentau!

8. Nimbole MENCURI! Kalo MANCARI boleh.!

9. Nimbole badusta! Mar ta yakin torang samua so sering badusta...

Bertobat jo tare

10. Baca jo Keluaran 20! Biar lebe mangarti neh

"If ever there is tomorrow when we're not together.. there is something you must always remember. you are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think. but the most important thing is, even if we're apart.. i'll always be with you." - Winnie the Pooh-

He Will Deliver You

"Call on Me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you shall honor and glorify Me"

(Psalm 50:15, AMP).

Are you facing trouble in any area of your life today? God is standing ready to deliver you. He promises in His Word that He is near to all those who call upon His name. No matter what you may be going through, have confidence knowing that God is working behind the scenes on your behalf. He promises to deliver you!

Notice that today's verse tells us that our part is to honor and glorify Him. In other words, you don't have to wait until everything is perfect to give Him praise. You can give Him honor and glory right now. You can thank Him for all He's done in your life so far and what He will do in your future.

Call on Him today and focus on having an attitude of faith and expectancy. Speak His Word and declare His promises over your life. Trust in Him because He will take you places you've never dreamed. As you praise Him, He'll deliver you and take you higher and higher into the good life He has prepared for you!


Father in heaven, today I call upon Your name. I call upon You as my Salvation and my Deliverer. I trust that You are working on my behalf and choose to give You the glory, honor and praise. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

— Joel & Victoria Osteen

"If ever there is tomorrow when we're not together.. there is something you must always remember. you are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think. but the most important thing is, even if we're apart.. i'll always be with you." - Winnie the Pooh-

A Place Of Abundance

"…We went through fire and water, but You brought us to a place of abundance"
(Psalm 66:12 NIV).

Everyone has times in life when they feel like they are going through the fire, so to speak, or they feel overwhelmed with everyday life. If that's you today, understand that God is going to bring you through those challenges. He's going to bring you through the fire and the flood into a place of abundance and victory! We serve a God of more than enough, and His desire is to always make sure you have whatever you need to be successful and victorious in every area of your life.

Remember, John 10 says that Jesus came so that we can have life—abundant life! He wants you to have an abundance of resources, an abundance of wisdom, an abundance of peace—everything you need. Open your heart and thank Him for His goodness. Begin to receive His promises by faith. Let your praise open the door for Him to move on your behalf so He can take you to a place of abundance in every area of your life!


Heavenly Father, I humbly come to You today, giving You all that I am. Thank You for leading and guiding me into a place of abundance and victory. I give You all the glory, honor and praise. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

— Joel & Victoria Osteen

"If ever there is tomorrow when we're not together.. there is something you must always remember. you are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think. but the most important thing is, even if we're apart.. i'll always be with you." - Winnie the Pooh-

Bulan Promosi

Seorang penjahat tertembak mati oleh polisi. Langsung saja dia dibawa oleh iblis ke neraka. Tetapi dia terkejut karena di neraka sangat ramai; banyak orang berdisko, minum-minuman, berjudi, banyak artis-artis cantik, dll. Langsung saja dia cepat-cepat masuk, tetapi ditahan oleh iblis penjaga pintu: "Tunggu dulu! Waktumu belum tiba. Kembalilah ke dunia, berbuatlah LEBIH JAHAT lagi, maka kau pasti akan MASUK NERAKA!"

Akhirnya dia dikembalikan ke dunia, berbuat LEBIH jahat dan ditembak mati oleh polisi. Lalu dia diantar oleh iblis untuk MASUK neraka. Tetapi dia terkejut karena di dalam neraka banyak api di mana-mana, bau amis darah, dan banyak binatang berbisa. Banyak teriakan minta tolong yang terdengar di mana-mana! Dengan bingung dan ketakutan, penjahat itu lalu berkata, "Lho, keadaan sebelumnya kan neraka tidak seperti ini?" Iblis pun tersenyum dan berkata, "Oh, yang waktu lalu itu lagi BULAN PROMOSI, bro!"

"Tetapi bagaimana mereka dapat berseru kepada-Nya, jika mereka tidak percaya kepada Dia? Bagaimana mereka dapat percaya kepada Dia, jika mereka tidak mendengar tentang Dia. Bagaimana mereka mendengar tentang Dia, jika tidak ada yang memberitakan-Nya? Dan bagaimana mereka dapat memberitakan-Nya, jika mereka tidak diutus? Seperti ada tertulis: "Betapa indahnya kedatangan mereka yang membawa kabar baik!"" (Roma 10:14-15).

"If ever there is tomorrow when we're not together.. there is something you must always remember. you are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think. but the most important thing is, even if we're apart.. i'll always be with you." - Winnie the Pooh-

Hold On To Your Peace

"Bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you"

(Luke 6:28, NIV).

I've learned that some people are peace stealers. They feel like it's their calling in life to aggravate you, try to make you look bad, and tell you what you can't do. They'll try to bait you into an argument to get you upset, annoyed and frustrated. But don't take the bait! Nothing is worth losing your peace over. They may think they're getting the best of you, but in the end, God can use that to take you higher. When people come against you, choose to keep your peace. Choose to forgive. Pray for that person because that's how you disarm the enemy against you.

Scripture says your battle isn't against flesh and blood. In others words, that person isn't your enemy; the accuser—Satan—is your enemy. He's trying to bring division and get you upset. But when you choose to keep peace, when you keep walking in love and keep a smile on your face, you are overcoming his tactics. That's how you win. Today, choose peace, choose to walk in love, and choose the victory God has prepared for you!


Father, thank You for giving me Your peace and strength today. I choose to hold my peace and bless those who come against me. I choose to walk in love and forgiveness so that I can honor You in all that I do. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

— Joel & Victoria Osteen

"If ever there is tomorrow when we're not together.. there is something you must always remember. you are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think. but the most important thing is, even if we're apart.. i'll always be with you." - Winnie the Pooh-

Find Rest

"Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls"
(Matthew 11:29, NIV)

Sometimes the day-to-day pressures of life can cause unnecessary stress. In fact, many people lose sleep worrying about things or people in their lives. But God doesn't want us to live stressed out and overwhelmed. He wants us to live a life of rest and peace.

When Jesus walked on this earth, He took time for Himself. He got away from the crowds. He spent time with the Father. That's how He found rest. He was gentle and humble in heart. Do you ever notice that when you are stressed out or worrying about something, you're less tolerant of others? You're more likely to say something you don't really mean. Today, God wants you to cast your cares on Him and live with a gentle and humble attitude. When you release your burdens and follow the example of Jesus, you will find rest for your soul. You will be rejuvenated and refreshed! You will find peace in your heart, and you will move forward in the abundant life God has for you!


Heavenly Father, today I choose to cast my cares on You. Teach me, Holy Spirit, to have a gentle and humble attitude. Help me find rest for my soul so that I can love others the way You love me. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

— Joel & Victoria Osteen

"If ever there is tomorrow when we're not together.. there is something you must always remember. you are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think. but the most important thing is, even if we're apart.. i'll always be with you." - Winnie the Pooh-

Help Others Win

"...He tried to join the disciples, but they were all afraid of him...But Barnabas took him and brought him to the apostles. He told them how Saul on his journey had seen the Lord and that the Lord had spoken to him..."
(Acts 9:26–27, NIV)

In Scripture, the Apostle Paul would have never had the impact he did without a man named Barnabas. Barnabas was one of the disciples. He was in Jesus' inner circle. But Paul, at the time, hated believers and was having them thrown in jail. God touched his life, and he wanted to go to Jerusalem and join the other disciples, but they were afraid of him because of His reputation. Barnabas stood up for Paul and used his influence to open a door with the other disciples. Paul went on to write over half of the New Testament.

We don't hear a lot about Barnabas. Paul greatly overshadowed him. But if you were to ask Paul he would say, "I won because Barnabas helped me win. I succeeded because Barnabas took a risk and opened a door that I could not open on my own. Barnabas believed in me when nobody else did."

Friend, there is no greater legacy than to help someone else win. Today, look for ways to use your influence. Help others rise up higher. Sow good seeds because they will come back to you. When you help others win, God will make sure you are surrounded by people who will help you win in return.


Heavenly Father, thank You for Your truth which sets me free today. It is my delight to do Your will and help others succeed. Show me ways to be a blessing and help others. Let everything I do bring glory to You. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

— Joel & Victoria Osteen

"If ever there is tomorrow when we're not together.. there is something you must always remember. you are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think. but the most important thing is, even if we're apart.. i'll always be with you." - Winnie the Pooh-

Penderitaan Yang Menumbuhkan

Yakobus 1:2"Saudara-saudaraku, anggaplah sebagai suatu kebahagiaan, apabila kamu jatuh ke dalam berbagai-bagai pencobaan"

Apa yang biasa Anda lakukan ketika penderitaan melanda hidup Anda? Mencari tahu penyebab mengapa Anda mengalami penderitaan tersebut atau justru mengambil sikap seperti Tuhan Yesus, yang tetap menjalani penderitaan-Nya dengan ketaatan penuh kepada Allah Bapa? Pengarang James Stalker menulis dalam sebuah bukunya, "Penderitaan tidak selalu menyucikan. Penderitaan dapat membuat watak menjadi buruk dan egois. Namun, ada banyak pula keberhasilan yang timbul dari pencobaan. Ada banyak kamar orang sakit yang merupakan suatu kehormatan untuk dikunjungi."

Suatu ketika J. Oswald Sanders pernah bercerita tentang kunjungannya ke tempat semacam itu di Australia, tempat di mana Nona Higgens tinggal. Dalam keadaan sakit terus-menerus, Nona Higgens tidak pernah meninggalkan kamarnya selama lebih dari 40 tahun. Kedua tangan dan kakinya telah diamputasi untuk menahan penyebaran penyakitnya ke seluruh tubuhnya.

Setelah memutuskan untuk hidup secara kreatif, ia menamai pondok tempat tinggalnya dengan nama "Pondok Harapan Sukacita". Di pondok inilah ia menyerahkan dirinya dalam doa kepada Tuhan dan aktif pelayanan rohani. Dengan pena yang diikatkan pada ujung lengannya yang buntung, ia berkirim surat ke seluruh dunia selama bertahun-tahun dan membimbing ratusan orang kepada Kristus.

Penderitaan yang dialami Nona Higgens tidaklah membuatnya patah semangat dan menjadikan dirinya sebagai orang yang tidak berguna, justru sebaliknya, penderitaannya justru mendorongnya untuk menjadi lebih kreatif di dalam hidup dan pelayanannya.

Jadi, jika saat ini Anda untuk hidup lebih kreatif, "Anggaplah sebagai suatu kebahagiaan, apabila kamu jatuh ke dalam berbagai-bagai pencobaan" (Yakobus 1:2). Sebutlah pergumulan-pergumulan dan derita hati Anda dengan sebutan "derita yang menumbuhkan," dengan penekanan pada kata menumbuhkan! Bila kita memuji Allah dalam ujian hidup kita, beban kita akan berubah menjadi berkat.

"If ever there is tomorrow when we're not together.. there is something you must always remember. you are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think. but the most important thing is, even if we're apart.. i'll always be with you." - Winnie the Pooh-

Timothy dan Maura

Pada tahun 304 Masehi, tahun sebelum Dioklesia mundur sebagai penguasa Roma, penganiayaan terhadap orang Kristen mencapai tingkat yang benar-benar biadab. Timothy, seorang diaken gereja di provinsi Mauritania -- bagian dari wilayah kekuasaan Roma, adalah seseorang yang bertanggung jawab menjaga keberadaan kitab-kitab Injil dalam gerejanya.

Ia dan istrinya, Maura, menikah beberapa minggu sebelum mereka menghadapi penganiayaan. Mereka ditangkap karena menjadi orang Kristen dan dibawa ke hadapan gubernur provinsi, Arrianus, yang mengetahui peran Timothy di gerejanya. Ia memerintahkan Timothy untuk mengembalikan kepadanya Injil-Injil yang disimpan dalam gereja untuk dibakar.

Timothy kemudian menjawab bahwa jika ia memiliki anak, ia lebih baik menyerahkannya kepada Arrianus untuk dikorbankan daripada mengorbankan Firman Allah. Mendengar jawaban tersebut, Arrianus marah dan memerintahkan agar mata Timothy dibakar dengan besi panas, supaya ia tidak bisa lagi membaca Injil, sehingga nantinya Injil-Injil tersebut akan tidak berguna lagi baginya.

Namun, keberanian Timothy menghadapi kesakitan luar biasa yang dialaminya, membuat Arrianus benar-benar marah sehingga ia memerintahkan supaya Timothy digantung kakinya dengan sebuah pemberat yang diikatkan pada lehernya, dan mulutnya disumbat. Si gubernur berpikir hal tersebut dapat mengalahkan kegigihannya.

Maura, yang dipaksa menyaksikan penganiayaan suaminya, memohon suaminya untuk mengaku bersalah supaya ia tidak menyaksikan peristiwa itu lagi. Sumbat diambil dari mulut Timothy supaya ia dapat menjawab permohonan istrinya. Namun, terjadi hal yang sebaliknya, ia tidak menyetujui permohonan istrinya dan mengatakan kepadanya bahwa ia telah 'salah jalan'. Ia menyatakan keputusannya untuk mati adalah demi imannya kepada Kristus. Akhirnya, Maura menetapkan hati mengikuti keberanian suaminya dan menemaninya menuju kemuliaan.

Arrianus tidak dapat lagi mengalahkan ketetapan hati Maura sehingga ia memerintahkan agar Maura diberi penganiayaan paling kasar. Setelah penganiayaan mereka selesai, Timothy dan Maura di salib berdampingan.

Diambil dan disunting seperlunya dari:

Judul asli buku: The Hidden Stones in Our Foundation

Judul buku: Batu-batu Tersembunyi dalam Fondasi Kita

Penulis: Tidak dicantumkan

Penerjemah: Ivan Haryanto

Penerbit: Kasih dalam Perbuatan, Surabaya 2005

Halaman: 27 -- 28

"If ever there is tomorrow when we're not together.. there is something you must always remember. you are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think. but the most important thing is, even if we're apart.. i'll always be with you." - Winnie the Pooh-

In The Day of Trouble

"God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble"

(Psalm 46:1, NIV)

God is always present with you. That means at all times, continually, perpetually, throughout all time, God is with you. In your day of trouble, He is a help to you. How is He your help? By providing whatever you need; by opening doors for you; by orchestrating things in your favor. That's because "help" is specific to your need. We serve a God who is very specific, and because He is always with you, He always knows exactly what you need!

Today, are you facing trouble or adversity? Know that God is with you. Look to Him for help. Trust that He has the answer, and that He is working things out in your favor. As you continue to believe Him and follow His direction, He will lead you in the way that you should go. He will comfort you, revive you, restore you and bless you! He will be your ever-present help because He is forever faithful to His Word!


Father God, thank You for being my ever-present help. I trust today that You are with me, that You are comforting me and restoring my soul. I lift my eyes to You this day. Help me to follow Your commands and honor You as You direct my steps. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

— Joel & Victoria Osteen

"If ever there is tomorrow when we're not together.. there is something you must always remember. you are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think. but the most important thing is, even if we're apart.. i'll always be with you." - Winnie the Pooh-

Five Pillars Of Manhood

I spent the day with a group of men in our house church learning what it takes to be a man of God when it comes to loving and respecting women. In our day an age most men are not men, they are boys. Most guys still want to marry their mom, have a women serve and take care of them, are not willing to take initiative or commit in a relationship, most men are still living in fear, not pursuing their callings by settling for "safe" because its easy. This is sad, upsetting and the standard must change.

Women don't want to marry boys, they want to marry men. Women don't want boys they have to put up with, clean up after and take care of, they want to be lead, pursued and taken on an exciting life adventure. If you go to most of the churches in the Western world today, you will find that there are very few spiritual men, instead there are many spiritual women. It's disappointing, but I hear it from women of faith all the time, "Pastor Jaeson, where are the godly men?"

Today, a good brother and leader in our GBS community Daniel Ra explained what God showed him to be the "5 Pillars of Manhood" in how men must love, respect and serve women. It was enlightening and reinforcing from what I have been teaching men for years when it comes to pursuing a woman of God.. of course none of us are perfect, we all have our mistakes, but we must each strive to be better and greater than what we were before yesterday, everyday making an effort to be more like God, to be just like Jesus, to be a man of faith and honor.
The 5 Pillars of Manhood…

1. Lead

A man must be a leader in a relationship, in a marriage, in a family. There are no excuses. A woman doesn't want to make the decisions for her man, she wants her man to lead in the relationship. A man must take initiative. A man of God is leader, not a follower, a servant, not a slave, a hero not a coward. A man of God knows God and therefore knows himself. He should be the leader spiritually first, emotionally, mentally and physically he should set the standard for others to follow.

2. Protect

A real man of God will protect his partner. That means he is willing to lay down his very own life, needs and wants for the protection of the one he loves. Every decision he makes when it comes to a relationship has her protection in mind. A woman needs to feel secure, that she is protected and safe with her man. She doesn't need to second guess, wonder if she will be okay, or have her heart and mind played with. A real man of God will not only protect his woman physically, but also mentally, emotionally and spiritually. He always has the highest good in his mind for her safety, well being and wholeness.
This is for the Christian guys out there, don't emotionally rape a sister, play with her heart and tell her you are just her brother or friend. That is BS. Man up. You either pursue a woman of God because she is God's precious creation, or you don't try touching it at all, or play with their hearts emotionally, unless you are willing to be up front and clear with your intentions and the direction of the relationship from the start. Emotional rape is as painful to a woman as physical rape. Women are emotional beings and their hearts are not to be played with. Protect your sisters heart.

3. Provide

A real man of God will do whatever it takes to provide for his significant other. That means monetarily in finances, in basic needs and as well as what she desires. When a man asks a father for his daughter in marriage, the father will not ask, "How are you doing spiritually first?" No, the first thing the father will ask is, "How will you provide for my daughter?" Because part of being and becoming a man is providing for others, especially your wife and children. If a man can't provide, he isn't a man.

God gave us hands and we must put our hands to work, no excuses to be lazy, God made us to rule the earth. Women are not be treated as toys, trophies or a luxury item, women are God's highest creation, the very image of God.

I tell men all the time, "Treat your woman like a queen and you will live like a king." Don't be cheap brothers, you need to go all out when it comes to pursuing a woman. This is not a one time thing, but a continual practice. Women were created for beauty. They were created beautiful, to feel beautiful to be treated beautiful. You don't handle a rose without care, it is the same with a woman of God, you treat her with the utmost care, honor and respect. Practically, that means you don't take a woman to Denny's on a first date, you take her to a place that hurts your wallet, but it's worth it because she is worthy.

Also, men must also provide for women emotionally. When a women asks you, "How are you doing?" She is really asking, "How are you being?" Meaning, what are you feeling, thinking, seeing, being about at the moment. To love a women we must provide at every level – basic needs all the way to providing for them mentally, emotionally and spiritually, if not their hearts will die. Be a man, provide for your women.

4. Integrity

A true man of God is a man of his word. Too many men in our culture break promises, play with women's hearts, date girls as if it was a game, and have no respect for women at all. This is disgusting. In old times, when a man said "You have my word!" that word was bond, it was as if an actual contract had been written, because your word was your reputation. How many men do we know today who say one thing, but do another? Men who do not keep their word, their promise or follow through with their verbal commitments.

In our culture we don't take words seriously, but in God's world words are everything. Blessings and curses come out of the same mouth. What comes out of our mouths determines what is truly in our hearts.

What a woman wants is a man of integrity. Someone who says what he does and does what he says. Someone they can trust at their word. So as a man you must come through. Words means nothing if they are not backed up with action. Don't say sorry unless you mean it. Don't say sorry unless you are able to back up your apologies with doing the right thing. Integrity is doing what is right, whether people are watching or not. Integrity is what you do when no one is looking.

Does your woman trust you completely? If not, it is a question of integrity. Don't tell a women you love her unless your love shows, words carry weight. They either carry false weight or real weight, a woman knows when a man means what he says.

So live by your words, live by action, be a living proof of your values, convictions and commitments. Don't get involved in a relationship unless you are sure this what you want and what God is leading you both to do. I've had my share of mistakes in the past, where I got into a relationship without thinking about the consequences, protecting my sisters heart and the fear of the Lord from the get go, I've had to make amends and face the results of my sin and foolishness.

Trust me brothers, don't do what I've done in the past, don't play games, don't feed your fleshly desires, rather seek God, seek the best interest of the one you are pursuing, be honest, forthright from the start about your commitment and your vision for the relationship and stick to your word. Be a man of integrity.

If you pursue a women, it should be with the intentions of marriage. If not, stop playing yourself and her. It's not about finding the right woman, it's about being the right man. That starts with first knowing God in order to know yourself, then you will know how to love and respect a woman.

5. Courage

You are not a man until you climb the great wall of China! This is what it says at the actual great wall. Well, I have climbed the Great Wall of China so I guess I must be more of a man than others, just kidding. What is the greater underlying message here? It is a message of courage. It is a message of adventure. A man of God is a man of courage, a man of adventure, a man who is willing to take risks and do the impossible. Men were born to live a life of great adventure. Men were created to fight battles. Men were created to rescue beauties. Men were created to live.

Sadly, most men are not living. Most men are cowards, fearful and afraid of failure. Imprisoned by their own thinking and what others think about them. Many men are just boys waiting for their mother's approval, or the approval of others in society. Most men I know are people pleasers, not God pleasers. They are more afraid of how others may reject them or not accept them if they choose to take the road less traveled.

All men die, few men truly live.

Women don't want nice guys or good boys, women want men on a mission, men on adventure, men who are dangerous. This is why many women are drawn to bad boys because bad boys live with a sense of risk, danger, mystery and unknown. Men were created to live fearless and to live by faith. But if you walk into a church today what you find are a bunch of boys playing with their toys, working at predictable jobs — not their true callings, and living boring lives. It's sad, but most guys get their sense of adventure from playing video games or watching TV, what happened to our men?

A man of faith will sweep a woman of God off of her feet. He will challenge her to go the distance in God, in their relationship and in life. A man of courage is someone who in the face of fear still chooses to move forward with trust in God, setting out to obey God's voice at whatever the cost, because that is what matters the most. We need men who have hearts fully alive, hearts full of passion and are on a mission to change the world. There is a high cost to being a man of courage, there is a price to pay if we want to be a real hero, it means we are willing to go against the grain, follow God against all odds and live a life of honor, courage and righteousness.

When a woman finds a man of courage, it will encourage her to be all that God has created her to be. As a man, your goal is not how your woman can serve you, but how can you serve your woman. As a man, your goal is not how a woman can serve your destiny, but how can you do all that you possibly can to release the fullness of God's glory and destiny in her.

Men take the lead, protect at all costs, provide in every way, live by your word and live a life of adventure with the Holy Spirit — obey God, not man and you will be the man of God you were created to be — and your woman will love you for it.

By : Pastor Jaeson Ma

"If ever there is tomorrow when we're not together.. there is something you must always remember. you are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think. but the most important thing is, even if we're apart.. i'll always be with you." - Winnie the Pooh-

Rabu, 13 April 2011

Kasih Tuhan Tidak Pernah Gagal

Karena dibesarkan dalam keluarga yang suka menganiaya, seorang gadis bersikap getir pada orangtuanya. Tetapi, ketika ibunya didiagnosis mengidap kanker payudara, dia memutuskan untuk mencintai orang tuanya, meski ibunya tidak pernah menyukainya..

Setiap pagi, saat berangkat kerja, dia berkata kepada ibunya bahwa dia mencintainya. Namun, ibunya tidak pernah menjawab..

Kemudian, pada suatu hari setelah kira-kira tiga bulan berlalu, gadis itu terlambat berkerja dan bergegas keluar rumah untuk segera pergi ke tempat kerjanya. Ibunya pun juga mengikutinya untuk bergegas keluar rumah..

"Ada yang lupa," seru sang ibu.
"Apa?" jawab si gadis keheranan.
"Kamu lupa mengatakan 'aku cinta Mama'.."

Keduanya berpelukan..
Keduanya menangis..
Keduanya sembuh..

Bukankah kasih Tuhan itu tidak pernah gagal dan menyembuhkan? Dan, bukankah perubahan selalu dimulai dari diri kita dahulu?

"If ever there is tomorrow when we're not together.. there is something you must always remember. you are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think. but the most important thing is, even if we're apart.. i'll always be with you." - Winnie the Pooh-

True Success

"...Freely you have received; freely give"
(Matthew 10:8, NIV)

There are a lot of people who are successful in this world. They've accomplished their goals in the public eye. But being successful isn't just about what you make happen for yourself, it's about what you make happen for others. It's when you realize, "God has blessed me not to just sit on my throne and let everybody see my accomplishments; God has blessed me to be a blessing to others. God has helped me to win so I can help somebody else win." In other words, it's when you realize, "God helped me overcome this addiction, now I'm going to go find somebody and help them overcome." Or, "God has blessed me with a happy family. I'm going to go find a family that's struggling and help them get back on track." That's what being successful is really all about.

Today, look for ways to help others succeed. Reach back and give freely of the talents and abilities you've been given. As you do, you'll rise up higher and live in the fullness of the blessing God has prepared for you!


Father God, thank You for giving me so much. Thank You for blessing me with talents and abilities and the desire to bless others. Show me ways to reach out and help others move forward and help them be successful so we can all rise higher together. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

— Joel & Victoria Osteen

"If ever there is tomorrow when we're not together.. there is something you must always remember. you are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think. but the most important thing is, even if we're apart.. i'll always be with you." - Winnie the Pooh-